Last year it was a beautiful race course along the river with autumn colored leaves scattered everywhere. So, when I found out that the course had to be moved due to flooding this year, I was a bit bummed.
Winter is undoubtedly on it's way and I'm cherishing what is left of fall. Fortunately, the new race course was just as lovely. Unfortunately, the camera battery went dead before I could capture it. But, here are a few shots we got before then...

Why do I look like a bandit/convict?
1.) Because I can.
2.) Because there is a costume contest at this race.
3.) This is the only reasonably priced costume I thought made sense to run in.
Did I win the contest? No. But I did get a tacky coaster with a road-runner painted on it. :)
Obviously my toes continued to heal throughout the week enough for me to run. To my knowledge this is the last longer distance race of the year in this area so I was really happy to be able to run the full 15k.
In comparison to the other races this season the attendance was sparse. Decent turn-out with 222 runners, but when you spread them out over a 5k course and a 15k there aren't many racers around you.
It was a quiet 9.3 miles which meant a lot of time alone (good prayer times) with only my internal dialog urging me onward. I don't mind races like this, but from the beginning I was somewhat worried that I may not be able to find a fellow runner to pace myself with & that my time would be poor because of it.
Much to my surprise I actually ran faster averaging a pace of 10:07. Giving me a total time of:
Red River Run 15k
I guess my mental stamina and physical determination are stronger then I realize. I certainly wore myself out, but it's an awesome feeling finishing the race to the sound of your husband cheering you on & knowing that you held nothing back. :)
So what kind of costume did the person who won wear?
The two girls who dressed up in their "Dance" attire. Looked more like showgirls to me.
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