Before I get to that, here's a recap of what I neglected to write about while on my trip...
The thought of giving up precious space in my suitcase for running gear was a bit of a new concept to me. My how my mindset has changed since a year ago. Now I must admit that I am somewhat proud of the fact that what I am most jazzed about when future vacations arise is the opportunity to train in a new exciting location.
These are just a few of the views I was blessed with in my time along the golf.

My 5th and final run was by far the highlight. However the scenery was different.
The sunset and sand fence shots are from the beach along St. George's Island where I had the delight of running Sunday morning at sunrise. It was stunning. Running barefoot along the shore with the surf brushing over my feet, listening to Third Day playing in the one ear not pointed toward the ocean and listening to the waves crashing in the other was surreal. I pray the Lord's creation never ceases to amaze and give me joy like it did at that moment.
Half way through the run I realized that my index-toes were hurting. I reasoned that away figuring perhaps they had gotten a bit beat up by the fist sized seashell that got kicked around between them a mile back. When I returned to the Inn I realized that when untrained running barefoot and on sand leads to one thing(well technically two)....

Ouch! After draining both and super-gluing one shut (hurt way worse then getting my nose pierced) I was, okay. That didn't keep me from fretting about the sub 10minute "lay-overs" I had on my flights returning home the next morning. Walking on them caused twinges of pain, I wasn't in a hurry to experience the pain of running through the terminal from gate to gate. Fortunately a good nights rest and open air did a lot of good and as you can tell I made it home just fine.
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