Monday, July 28, 2008

It is a Start...

In the spring I had intended starting a blog such as this but never quite got there as my busy season work-wise was just around the corner and I was otherwise distracted. Now that things have slowed to a manageable pace and I am less A.D.D I thought I would give it a go. So, this is the start of what I hope will be many posts to follow. 

I actually can't recall one single moment that got me thinking about attempting a triathlon in the first place. The beginning of it all probably started last year when my husband took up running and I thought it may be something I could be interested in again. After all not to many years ago I had run miles & miles around the field trying to exercise off the weight I had gained from gallons of y2k stock pudding and ice cream I ate during puberty. Don't ask. As it turns out I ended up hooked on running all over again except this time with different motives. I run now because I love testing the limits of what my body can do & sometimes it tests me by what it wont. 

Anyway, at some point either late fall/early winter my Beloved started contemplating doing triathlons. Where he derived(s) all this ambition I don't know, but I love that about him. I figured I would be content with just running 5ks & 1/2 marathons this season and would more than likely end up shooting the triathlons he entered not participating. But, somewhere along the line I realized that being a triathlete is a lifestyle of sorts and if Jeremy were going to engaged in such a lifestyle it'd be easier to do it together. Mind you after watching all of the triathlon videos on you-tube & spending several saturdays at the local bike shop my contentment level w/ the running only plan was starting to deteriorate. So, since March of this year I have started training for sprint triathlons. As much as my stubborn self would like to go all out and start with an ironman I realize that probably isn't the wisest idea so I'm building up to that.  

For now the training continues with another sprint triathlon only a few weeks away. And little by little I accept the fact that at this point in my life the wardrobe budget goes towards spandex & Mizunos, that food (while tasty) is a means of fueling, that most of my prayers are out of breath ones and swimming & cycling will never be a leisurely activity again.  But alas it is a necessary evil. Like cats.  Oddly enough, I'm completely okay with that. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Y2K pudding is the best kind!

Cats are still icky. :-)