Today I was thinking over the races I have competed in so far. It used to be that I would keep track of the races & results by writing them down on the back of the numbered bib. Primitive I know, but it worked at first. A few events went by with results coming in hours sometimes days later and I lost track of which bib was mine. That put an end to it.
So after wracking my brain trying to remember races and many Google searches later here are my races to date along with what I remember about them...
-Foot Races-
Dick Beardsley 5k Sept. 8th 2007 Time- 31:01
Pouring rain the entire race. Well organized & awesome encouragement from spectators.
Bridge to Bridge Bash 2.62mi Sept. 22nd 2007 Time-27:39
Very Hot & Humid. My worst race ever. Hoping to redeem myself this yr. (Schedule Permitting)
1st Annual Filthy 5k Oct. 13th 2007 Time- 34:02
My first trail run. Absolutely loved it. Looking forward to doing it again w/ more mud.
Red River Run 5k Oct. 20th 2007 Time- 31:01
Tiring race. Candy at finish. :) Surprised by time, exact same down to the second of the D.B. run.
Jingle Bell 5k Dec. 1st 2007 Time- 33:42
Forecasted blizzard & sub-zero temps. Well geared. Racing in a forming snowstorm isn't that bad.
St. Patricks Day 5k March 17th 2008 Time- 30:32
Great turn out. Sweat turned to frost. Fantastic start to this season finally beating previous 5k times.
Dragon Fire 10k April 19th 2008 Time- 1:05:18
First 10k, went well. Strange race. Neither runners nor spectators seemed excited to be there. Oh and they make you run twice around the track at the finish. Would've been nice to know before I started sprinting. Neener.
Fargo 1/2 Marathon May 17th 2008 Time- 2:28:21
Really, really enjoyed this race. Spectators and enthusiastic runners made this run a joy to be in. Beat my goal time of 2:30 Woohoo!!!!
-Triathlons-Chain of Lakes Triathlon (Sprint) May 3rd 2008
Swim- 16:04 (600yards) Pool swim. I'm just that slow. Improving though. I think.
T1- 2:41 Close to freezing temps. Not bad on time considering layering.
Bike- 1:01:48 (13miles) Had to use Mnt. Bike. 20+ mph winds Uhg!
T2- 1:44 Just had to shed the fleece & jersey. Grab some water.
Run- 30:47 (3miles) Legs felt great and adrenaline was high.
Total- 1:53:59Well run event. Great triathlon for a newbie. Especially with the pool swim.
Despite living in what can at times be the frigid north I have managed to stay pretty active. I am looking forward to seeing more marked improvements as this season progresses.
Next Event...
Young Life Triathlon Aug 16th.
Detroit Lakes, MN